Throwing a Great Cocktail & Dinner Party

Inviting friends into our homes is one of life’s great gifts. It’s cozy, relaxed and intimate while at the same time fun and festive.

A few things to keep in mind to ensure a successful party:

1- Size of the Party – how big do you want your party to be – closest friends? The neighborhood? Decide, and plan accordingly. A small gathering can typically be handled on your own with some good planning. Once you get over about 20 consider getting some help – at least a bartender and cleanup help. I rarely have any type of party without at least having one person come to help with cleanup. The thought of spending an hour or two cleaning up at midnight is just no fun. Staff up!

2- Guest List – While you certainly want to invite your nearest and dearest, think about keeping the group interesting. Is there someone from your book club that you rarely socialize with? Invite them. Just make sure to think through the guest list. I always err on the side of being inclusive as to not hurt feelings but you also don’t have to get carried away.

3- The Invite – Whether a hand-written note, a Paperless Post or a printed invitation, the most important thing on an invitation is to be specific and clear – Who, What, When, Where but also what to wear and be clear about the type and length of the party. Will dinner be served or is this a drop by cocktail type of thing? Also make sure to ask your guests to respond, not simply regret. And tell them what to wear if it is important to you.

4- The Atmosphere – Good drinks, good music and a good crowd – everything else really is secondary. Yes, you want good food but I promise you that if the food is great but nothing else is, your party will be a dud – sad but true.

5- Offers to Help / Wine– This can be tricky…a guest offers to bring dessert (or salad or meatloaf) but you have already thought about making something special or picking up your favorite pastry from Versailles. At the same time, guests like to feel like they are contributing. Idea – have the guest bring a bite-sized dessert to accompany your main offering. Along the same lines, when a guest shows up with wine but you have already made your selection for the evening, thank them and stick to your choice. If they insist on their bottle being opened, let the other guests know that there are multiple selections. It is not rude to keep your wine plan in place.

Hiring a Caterer:

If you decide to go for the big party, I suggest hiring a caterer. Get recommendations from friends. Once you have settled on a company, talk with them about the type of party you have in mind and ask them what they do really well for your number of people and venue. It is a huge mistake to go into a catering meeting and dictate what you want to serve. You are so much better off serving what they do best. Once you have decided on a menu ask for a tasting. You can tweak as necessary.

Take the advice of the caterer on the number of service staff they need to bring – bartenders, servers, a chef, etc. A reputable caterer will not try to up-sale. They want your party to run as seamlessly as possible.

Determine all of the specifics – who will provide the wine, booze, ice? Will they rent any needed equipment, glasses, etc.? Here again, good companies are used to doing this all of the time and will hold your hand if you have not entertained much.